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圣学院. 澳门正规网赌网址大全


三人人才搜寻组三人才艺搜索 is a federally funded, pre-college outreach program hosted by St. 并免费提供给所有参与者. 三人才艺搜索 motivates and supports students in grades 6-12 as they complete high school and continue into post-secondary education. This early intervention program assists students to better understand their post-secondary educational options and to pursue their educational goals.


Fill out the 在线申请 now. You can also apply by contacting the Talent Search advisor or guidance counselor at your school.


参加者及家长会收到有关学术资料, career, 大学规划, 包括经济援助资源和学校申请. 项目工作人员提供年级级别的特定讲习班, take students on-campus visits and encourage participants to remain focused on their personal academic and career goals.

Who We Serve

“三重奏”才俊搜寻计划于香港圣公会书院成立. 澳门正规网赌网址大全成立于1998年,每年服务超过560名参与者. 澳门正规网赌网址大全与以下目标学校合作:

  • Cloquet中学
  • Cloquet高中
  • Cromwell-Wright学校
  • 登菲尔德高中(德卢斯,MN)
  • Floodwood School
  • 林肯公园中学(德卢斯,MN)



Kirsten Walker

Cloquet高中, Cloquet中学 and Cromwell-Wright学校

James Hoppe


Lisa LaCore


  • Students must be in grades 6-12 and attend one of our target schools
  • Two-thirds of students must be low income and first-generation (neither parent with a 4-year degree) college students
  • One-third of students can be either low income, first-generation or neither
  • Students must be interested in attending college and learning more about possible careers
  • 最终决定取决于可用的空缺


Upward Bound and 上进数学科学 students on the front steps of Tower Hall

圣学院. 澳门正规网赌网址大全’s Upward Bound (UB) and Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) Programs have been successfully providing the motivation and skills necessary to help participants complete high school, 进入高等教育课程, and succeed in post-secondary education by earning a four-year degree. 到目前为止,99%的UB学生已经从高中毕业. St. 澳门正规网赌网址大全 UB students go on to attend a wide variety of post-secondary institutions.


每年,布法罗大学和布法罗大学管理学院的项目都会为138名低收入者提供服务, first-generation youth who have the desire and motivation necessary to successfully complete high school and go on to pursue a four-year college degree. 为了实现这个雄心勃勃的目标, students participate both during the academic school year and in a six-week summer program.

Upward Bound

每年,UB项目为79名低收入者提供服务, first-generation youth who have the desire and motivation necessary to successfully complete high school and go on to pursue a four-year college degree. 目前UB的学生来自五所目标高中- Cloquet, Denfeld, North Woods, South Ridge, 和伦肖高中.

Why Attend?

你会遇到和你一样的学生! Come and meet new friends who are interested in pursuing a college degree!

Where is UB?

布法罗大学在圣. 澳门正规网赌网址大全. Your family or other approved adults need to transport you to and from the College for the monthly 周六的会议 and the six-week summer program.

Who Should Apply?

You should, if…

  • 你想在高中取得成功
  • 你有动力去攻读大学学位
  • 你愿意来圣. 澳门正规网赌网址大全 nine times during the school year and for six weeks during the summer
  • 你在九年级或十年级
  • 你就读于UB的目标高中之一,Cloquet, Denfeld, Northwoods, South Ridge, or Wrenshall
  • Your parents did not graduate from a four-year college and/or your family meets low-income guidelines (call for details)

When to Apply?

布法罗大学每年秋季都会招收新生. 才能被考虑参加这个项目, 完整的申请必须在11月底之前提交. 有关更多信息,请联系向上绑定.


Nothing! 完全免费!

What’s Included?

  • Field trips to local and regional cultural and educational attractions
  • 体育及康乐活动
  • 住宿和三餐在St. 澳门正规网赌网址大全(仅限夏季)
  • 为期一周的文化教育浸入式旅行(仅限夏季)


UB/UBMS staff will visit you weekly at your school to discuss your schoolwork. If you need tutoring or other help, we will work with you or arrange for a tutor. 澳门正规网赌网址大全将帮助您制定学术和职业行动计划. We will be your advocate to get the support you need and work with you on the college planning process. UBMS staff members are available during the school day for setting academic goals, 与老师和辅导员会面, advising, 在大学申请和经济援助方面提供帮助, 提供个人帮助.

Monthly 周六的会议 are an important component of the academic year. 学生来到圣. 澳门正规网赌网址大全 for one Saturday each month for a day of activities to broaden your cultural and educational horizons. 周六的会议 are mandatory meetings that allow UB/UBMS students to focus on certain topics. ACT考试的内容不同于为学生准备ACT考试, 参与社区服务活动, 研究事业, 参加文化活动.


圣学院. 澳门正规网赌网址大全’s Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) Program has been successfully providing motivation and post-secondary preparatory support since 1995. 每年,UBMS项目为59名低收入者提供服务, first-generation youth with the ability to achieve in math and science in Northeastern Minnesota. Current UBMS students come from regional high schools such as Barnum, Carlton, Duluth East, Hermantown, Proctor, 两个港湾和南岭.

Why Attend UBMS?

你会遇到和你一样的学生! 来认识对数学和科学感兴趣的新朋友!

Where is UBMS?

瑞士联合大学管理课程在圣. 澳门正规网赌网址大全. Your family or other approved adults need to transport you to and from the College for the monthly 周六的会议 and the six-week summer program.

Who should apply?

You should, if…

  • Field trips to local and regional cultural and educational attractions
  • 体育及康乐活动
  • 住宿和三餐在St. 澳门正规网赌网址大全(仅限夏季)
  • 为期一周的文化教育浸入式旅行(仅限夏季)
  • 与专业科学家和数学家互动
  • 为期一周的浸入式旅行(仅限夏季)
  • 文化实地考察


每年秋天,哈佛大学都会招收新生. 才能被考虑参加这个项目, 完整的申请必须在11月底之前提交. 有关更多信息,请联系向上绑定.


Nothing! 完全免费!

What’s Included?

  • 住宿和三餐在St. 澳门正规网赌网址大全(仅限夏季)
  • Team Leaders (college students) live with you in the dorms (summer only)
  • 与专业科学家和数学家互动
  • 实地考察当地和地区的科学设施
  • 体育及康乐活动
  • 为期一周的科学沉浸之旅(仅限夏季)
  • 文化实地考察


UB/UBMS staff will visit you weekly at your school to discuss your schoolwork. If you need tutoring or other help, we will work with you or arrange for a tutor. 澳门正规网赌网址大全将帮助您制定学术和职业行动计划. We will be your advocate to get the support you need and work with you on the college planning process. UBMS staff members are available during the school day for setting academic goals, 与老师和辅导员会面, advising, 在大学申请和经济援助方面提供帮助, 提供个人帮助.

Monthly 周六的会议 are an important component of the academic year. 学生来到圣. 澳门正规网赌网址大全 for one Saturday each month for a day of activities to broaden your cultural and educational horizons. 周六的会议 are mandatory meetings that allow UB/UBMS students to focus on certain topics. ACT考试的内容不同于为学生准备ACT考试, 参与社区服务活动, 研究事业, 参加文化活动.

Summer Program

The Summer Program is a six-week-long college preparatory program spent living on the campus of St. 澳门正规网赌网址大全; students return home on the weekends. 在节目的最后一周, participants embark on an educational immersion trip provided by UB or UBMS free of charge as a reward for all of their hard work during the summer.

在这五个星期里, approximately 55 Upward Bound and 35 Upward Bound Math and Science students in grades 9-11 live on 圣学院. 澳门正规网赌网址大全 campus to participate in a college simulated experience. Students will take classes in science, math, research, English and a foreign language. 所有学生都将学习科学(可能包括生物学), physics, chemistry, engineering, geology, and computers), math, 语言艺术. 此外,学生可以进行实地考察学习, 娱乐和社区服务机会. Weekly guest speakers expose students to careers in the real world, and high school credit can be earned by completing the six week summer program.

虽然学生们可能在白天上不同的课, all participants live in Somers Hall and are supervised by the UB and UBMS full-time staff as well as a residential staff. 所有的学生都被分配了一个室友, 在绿景餐厅吃饭,像大学生一样生活. Students are provided a student handbook that clearly outlines the program’s rules and expectations. 所有的规定都由员工严格执行.

Students also have the opportunity to participate in nightly activities such as Humans vs. 僵尸,古怪奥运会和攀岩.



Once a month, 布法罗大学和布法罗大学的学生在周六聚在一起学习, explore, 互相分享澳门正规网赌网址大全的经历.  Attendance at monthly 周六的会议 is expected and unexcused absences will result in a stipend deduction.